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Joe Cornell - Luminary Vessel
About this event
After a short discussion of his background and a display of luminaries in various stages of completion Joe will discuss why he chooses to use unseasoned (green) end-grain blanks. Joe will then demonstrate how he creates, designs and pierces his thin wall luminary vessels . Attendees will work on creating and piercing a thin wall vessel. Whether attendees complete a vessel during the sawdust session or not, they will have a vessel to take home and complete in their own shop. A suitable turning blank will be provided at the time of event.
This event is best suited for people who have experience turning bowls.
The club will provide lathes, grinders, and bathroom access.
Attendees will need to bring their own safety equipment (facemask, face shield and hearing protection). The registration fee will cover the cost of a green end-grain blank. Gloves are strongly recommended.
Tools for the vessel turning:
flashlight 500 lumens or higher OR a Rikon RKN 12-201 or equivalent
1/2 inch capacity #2 Morse Taper Jacobs chuck
¾ inch or larger spindle roughing gouge
1-2 inch wide brush to remove chips from your vessel.
Additional Tools for Vessel piercing (Optional - Attendees can choose to take turns using the instructor's tools):
small set of black pigma micron pens or equivalent
NSK Presto II or equivalent pneumatic carver with compressor and hoses OR a micromotor power carver capable of 45,000 RPM
1/16 or 3/32 inch shank carbide cutter bits in styles 700L, 701L, inverted cone (any size), and round ball (any size)
collet for carver to fit carbide cutters.
Also Bring if available:
Wall thickness Calipers - digital or manual.
1/8 inch texturing bits (kutzall or equivalent)
A diamond hone
A pull saw
Any negative rake scraper tools you have
Your favorite gouges and skews
The club will supply a bowl gouge, negative rake scraper, and parting tool with each lathe.
Pull saw recommendation: IRWIN Marples Dovetail Pull Saw, Fine Woodworking
Digital Caliper Recommendation: iGaging 8" Digital Outside Calipers
Event Contact(s)
Audrey Yeoh
Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Be kind. Bring questions and enthusiasm.
7 Total Slots
2 Available Slot(s)